Liturgy and Music Ministries
There are many opportunities for you to get involved in liturgy and music ministries. For more information and contact information see the Serve at Grace page.
Altar Flowers & Decorations
You may donate to the flower fund for Sunday decorations in remembrance of a loved one or in thanksgiving. These remembrances and thanksgivings are acknowledged in This Week at Grace and the Prayers of the People. Usually one of the arrangements will be available for you to take home after the 9:00 service. Sponsoring flowers is $40 per Sunday (Note that in keeping with the restrained nature of Advent and Lent, greens, rather than flowers are used).
You may also contribute toward special decorations like poinsettias at Christmas and flowers at Easter. Announcements in This Week at Grace and on our website will give details for holiday flower contributions.
Contact the parish office for more information or to donate