Watch our Tidings of Grace posts for the most current information.
56th Annual Chicken Barbecue – June 3rd 2023 Noon – Until Sold Out
For over half a century, on the first Saturday in June, wonderful smells of grilling chicken waft over the village of Baldwinsville. It’s Grace’s Chicken Barbecue! Grilled chicken, salt potatoes, and all the fixin’s are available for drive thru.

Cookie Sale – More Details to Follow
Purchase holiday cookies while enjoying holiday music. Come early for the best selection!
Annual Cook-Off

Bring your favorite home-made beverage, along with a home-made food of your choice. You may choose to participate in one, two, or all three categories: Best Beverage, Best Food, Best Pairing. Stay tuned for our next themed event!
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
All-you-can-eat pancakes with toppings bar, sausage, and beverages. Tickets available at the door.